Employment Opportunities

Application for Employment

Social Security #
Current Address
If at the above residence less than three years, list below all residences for the past three years.
Position applying for
Who referred you?
Have you worked for Willmar Bus before?
Reason for Leaving
Names of any relatives employed by Willmar Bus
Are you currently employed?
Highest grade completed
Last School Attended
Have you ever been bonded?
Have you ever worked for Willmar bus under another name? Yes
Driver Experience and Qualification
Drivers Licenses held in the last 3 years State

Endorsements Expiration Date


Have you eveer been denied a license, permit or previlege to operate a motor vehicle?

Has any license, permit or previlege ever been suspended or revboked?
Driving Experience
Driving Experience
Accident Record for the past 3 years
Dates, Nature of accident, Fatalities?, Injuries?, Hazardous Material Spill

Traffic Convictions and Forfeitures for the past 3 years (not parking violations)
Location, Date, Charge, Penalty
Employment History

All driver applicants to drive in interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the preceding 3 years. List complete mailing address, street number, city, state, and zip code. Applicants must include the names of DOT-regulated employers under whose authority they operated as a contractor or leased driver.

Applicants to drive a commercial motor vehicle that requires a CDL in intrastate or interstate commerce shall also provide an additional 7 years information on those employers for whom the applicant operated such vehicle. 7 years information on those employers for whom the applicant operated such vehicle.

Employer 1



City State Zipcode

Contact person Phone Number

Were you subject to the FMCSRs while employed?

Was your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any dot-regulated mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR part 40?


Dates employed

Position Held


Reason for Leaving

Employer 2



City State Zipcode

Contact person Phone Number

Were you subject to the FMCSRs wile employed?

Was your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any dot-regulated mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR part 40?


Dates employed

Position Held


Reason for Leaving

Employer 3



City State Zipcode

Contact person Phone Number

Were you subject to the FMCSRs wile employed?

Was your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any dot-regulated mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR part 40?


Dates employed

Position Held


Reason for Leaving

Other Experience and Qualifications
List courses and training in maintenance work
Read and Sign
This certifies that this application was completed by me, and that all entries on it and information in it are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.